BitLocker Info with PowerShell

Our department recently purchased LANDesk, and I needed to get BitLocker information into the LANDesk inventory. This is the first of three posts focused on this project. This post will go over the basics of getting BitLocker information with a powershell script. The next couple posts will go into details on how to integrate this script with LANDesk.

WMI Queries

There are two basic WMI classes being used in the script below. Win32_Volume, and Win32_EncryptableVolume. I use Win32_Volume to get a list of all volumes on the device, then Win32_EncryptableVolume to see if all volumes except those labeled, “System Reserved” or “BDEDrive” are encrypted.

The Output

By default, the script writes a LANDesk-compatible .dat file in the location specified in the variable at the top of the script. The output should look something like this if you set debug to true:

PS U:\hg\winscripts\dev> .\BitLocker-Info.ps1
Volume 0 label: System Reserved
Volume 0 name: \\?\Volume{87148646-0973-11df-9733-806e6f6e6963}\
Volume 0 driveLetter:
Volume 0 fileSystem: NTFS
Volume 0 capacity: 104853504
Volume 0 deviceID: \\?\Volume{87148646-0973-11df-9733-806e6f6e6963}\
Volume 0 serialNumber: 750140681
Volume 0 bootVolume: False
Volume 0 systemVolume: True
Volume 0 BitlockerEnabled: False
Volume 1 label:
Volume 1 name: C:\
Volume 1 driveLetter: C:
Volume 1 fileSystem: NTFS
Volume 1 capacity: 69686259712
Volume 1 deviceID: \\?\Volume{87148647-0973-11df-9733-806e6f6e6963}\
Volume 1 serialNumber: 547212969
Volume 1 bootVolume: True
Volume 1 systemVolume: False
Volume 1 BitlockerEnabled: False
Bitlocker Rollup: Not Protected


I used parts of the script at this site as the framework, and it deserves due credit.

The Script

#John Puskar, Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, 07/23/11
#johnpuskar (gmail)
#build 025

$script:gWriteOut = $null
$script:gWriteOut = $false			#true = write debug output to screen

#choose log file path
$logFileName = "bitlocker.dat"
$progx86 = ${ENV:\PROGRAMFILES(X86)}
If($progx86 -eq $null -or $progx86 -eq "")
	{$ldClientPath = ${ENV:\PROGRAMFILES} + "\LANDesk\LDClient\"}
	{$ldClientPath = ${ENV:\PROGRAMFILES(X86)} + "\LANDesk\LDClient\"}
$script:gLogFile = $ldClientPath  + $logFileName

#Skip if not Vista or higher
$blnSkip = $null
$blnSkip = $true
$objOS = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
If($objOS.BuildNumber -ge 6000)
	{$blnSkip = $false}

Function Get-BLAttribute($objBDEDrive,$BLAttrib)
		$strAttribVal = $null

				Default {}
						$protectionStatus = $null
						$protectionStatus = ($objBDEDrive.GetProtectionStatus()).ProtectionStatus
						$strProtectionStatus = $null
						Switch ($ProtectionStatus)
								0 { $strProtectionStatus = "PROTECTION OFF" }
								1 { $strProtectionStatus = "PROTECTION ON" }
								2 { $strProtectionStatus = "PROTECTION UNKNOWN"}
						$strAttribVal = $strProtectionStatus
						$encryptionMethod = $null
						$encryptionMethod = ($objBDEDrive.GetEncryptionMethod()).EncryptionMethod
						$strEncryptionMethod = $null
						Switch ($encryptionMethod)
								-1 { $strEncryptionMethod = "The volume has been fully or partially encrypted with an unknown algorithm and key size." }
								0 { $strEncryptionMethod = "The volume is not encrypted." }
								1 { $strEncryptionMethod = "AES 128 WITH DIFFUSER" }
								2 { $strEncryptionMethod = "AES 256 WITH DIFFUSER" }
								3 { $strEncryptionMethod = "AES 128" }
								4 { $strEncryptionMethod = "AES 256" }
						$strAttribVal = $strEncryptionMethod
						$VolumeKeyProtectorID = $null
						$VolumeKeyProtectorID = ($objBDEDrive.GetKeyProtectors($i)).VolumeKeyProtectorID
						If ($VolumeKeyProtectorID -ne $Null)
								$KeyProtectorIDTypes = $null
								Switch ($i)
										1 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes = "Trusted Platform Module (TPM)"}
										2 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes += ",External key"}
										3 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes += ",Numeric password"}
										4 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes += ",TPM And PIN"}
										5 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes += ",TPM And Startup Key"}
										6 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes += ",TPM And PIN And Startup Key"}
										7 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes += ",Public Key"}
										8 {$KeyProtectorIDTypes += ",Passphrase"}
										Default {$KeyProtectorIDTypes = "None"}
						$strAttribVal = $KeyProtectorIDTypes
						$version = $null
						$version = ($objBDEDrive.GetVersion()).Version
						$strVersion = $null
						Switch ($Version)
								0 { $strVersion = "UNKNOWN" }
								1 { $strVersion = "VISTA" }
								2 { $strVersion = "Windows 7" }
						$strAttribVal = $strVersion

		Return $strAttribVal


Function Get-BLInfo
		$arrAttributes = @()
		$arrAttributes += "label"
		$arrAttributes += "name"
		$arrAttributes += "driveLetter"
		$arrAttributes += "fileSystem"
		$arrAttributes += "capacity"
		$arrAttributes += "deviceID"
		$arrAttributes += "serialNumber"
		$arrAttributes += "bootVolume"
		$arrAttributes += "systemVolume"

		$arrBLAttributes = @()
		$arrBLAttributes += "ProtectionStatus"
		$arrBLAttributes += "EncryptionMethod"
		$arrBLAttributes += "VolumeKeyProtectorID"
		$arrBLAttributes += "Version"

		$i = 0
		$msgs = @()

		$blnBitlockerOn = $null
		$blnBitlockerOn = $false
		$arrEncryptedVols = $null
		$arrEncryptedVols = Get-WmiObject win32_EncryptableVolume -Namespace root\CIMv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
		If($arrEncryptedVols -eq $null -or $arrEncryptedVols -eq "")
			{$blnBitlockerOn = $false}
				$blnBitlockerOn = $false
				$arrEncryptedVols | % {
					If($_.ProtectionStatus -eq 1)
						{$blnBitlockerOn = $true}

		#write-host -f red "DEBUG: bitlocker on: $blnbitlockerOn"
		$intBitlockerRollup = $null
		$intBitlockerRollup = 1

		$arrLocalVolumes = @()
		$arrLocalVolumes = Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | where-object {$_.DriveType -eq 3}
		$arrLocalVolumes | % {
			$objVolume = $_
			#gather regular info
			$arrAttributes | % {
				$strAttribute = $null
				$strAttribute = $_
				$strAttribValue = $null
				$strAttribValue = $objVolume.$strAttribute
				#write messages
				$userMsg = $null
				$userMsg = "Volume " + $i + " " + $strAttribute + ": " + $strAttribValue
				If($script:gWriteOut -eq $true){Write-Host -f green $userMsg}
				$LANDeskMsg = $null
				$LANDeskMsg = "Bitlocker Info - Volume" + $i + " - " + $strAttribute + " = " + $strAttribValue
				$msgs += $LANDeskMsg

			#bitlocker enabled?
			$blnVolumeBitlocked = $null
			$blnVolumeBitlocked = $false
			If($blnBitlockerOn -eq $true)
					$objBLVol = $null
					$objBLVol = $arrEncryptedVols | Where-Object {$_.Driveletter -eq $objVolume.driveLetter}
					If($objBLVol -eq $null)
							$blnVolumeBitlocked = $false
							#write messages
							$userMsg = $null
							$userMsg = "Volume " + $i + " BitlockerEnabled: False"
							If($script:gWriteOut -eq $true){Write-Host -f green $userMsg}
							$LANDeskMsg = $null
							$LANDeskMsg = "Bitlocker Info - Volume" + $i + " - BitlockerEnabled = False"
							$msgs += $LANDeskMsg
							$blnVolumeBitlocked = $true
							$arrBLAttributes | % {
								$strBLAttribute = $_
								$strBLAttributeVal = Get-BLAttribute $objBLVol $strBLattribute
								#write messages
								$userMsg = $null
								$userMsg = "Volume " + $i + " " + $strAttribute + ": " + $strAttribValue
								If($script:gWriteOut -eq $true){Write-Host -f green $userMsg}
								$LANDeskMsg = $null
								$LANDeskMsg = "Bitlocker Info - Volume" + $i + " - BL_" + $strBLAttribute + " = " + $strBLAttributeVal
								$msgs += $LANDeskMsg
					If($blnVolumeBitlocked -ne $true -and `
						$objVolume.Label -ne "BDEDrive" -and `
						$objVolume.Label -ne "System Reserved" -and `
						$intBitlockerRollup -ne 0)
						{$intBitlockerRollup = 0}
					#write messages
					$userMsg = $null
					$userMsg = "Volume " + $i + " BitlockerEnabled: False"
					If($script:gWriteOut -eq $true){Write-Host -f green $userMsg}
					$LANDeskMsg = $null
					$LANDeskMsg = "Bitlocker Info - Volume" + $i + " - BitlockerEnabled = False"
					$msgs += $LANDeskMsg
					$intBitlockerRollup = 0


		$strBLRollup = $null
		$strBLRollup = ""
		If($blnBitlockerOn -eq $true)
				If($intBitlockerRollup -eq 0)
					{$strBLRollup = "Insufficiently Protected"}
					{$strBLRollup = "Fully Protected"}
			{$strBLRollup = "Not Protected"}

		#write messages
		$userMsg = $null
		$userMsg = "Bitlocker Rollup: " + $strBLRollup
		If($script:gWriteOut -eq $true){Write-Host -f green $userMsg}
		$LANDeskMsg = $null
		$LANDeskMsg = "Bitlocker Info - Bitlocker Rollup = " + $strBLRollup
		$msgs += $LANDeskMsg

		Return $msgs

#Get bitlocker info (main loop)
$msgs = $null
If($blnSkip -eq $false)
		$msgs = $null
		$msgs = Get-BLInfo
		If($script:gWriteOut -eq $true){Write-Host -f yellow "Bitlocker is not available on this Operating System."}
		$msgs += "Bitlocker Info - Bitlocker Rollup = NA"

#compile messages
If(($msgs -is [array]) -eq $false)
	{[array]$msgs = @($msgs)}

#write output
If((Test-Path $script:gLogFile) -eq $true)
	{remove-item $script:gLogFile -force | out-null}
New-Item -ItemType file $script:gLogFile | out-null
$msgs | %{
	$msg = $null
	$msg = $_
	If($gWriteOut -eq $true){Write-host -f yellow $msg}
	Add-Content $script:gLogFile $msg

11 thoughts on “BitLocker Info with PowerShell

  1. Pingback: Extending LANDesk Inventory for Bitlocker (Part 1) « windowsmasher

  2. I’m trying to use a WMI Query within BGinfo.exe to get the bitlocker protection status of the systems boot drive with the result displayed on the users background wallpaper. My WMI Query currently looks like this:

    select “ProtectionStatus from Win32_EncryptableVolume” of wmi “root\CIMv2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption” whose (string value of property “DriveLetter” of it = “C:”)

    However it comes back with “(Query failed)”. Any ideas?

    (Unfortunately standard users don’t have priviledges to run VBScripts otherwise a GetProtectionStatus vbs would work well.)

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